Getting here

a map of Spain showing the location of Cazorla

The nearest airport is Granada (GRX) but direct flights from the UK are scarce and we recommend making enquiries with local airlines.

Direct flights from the UK can be taken to Málaga, Almería or even Madrid. (Check out other airlines)

Cazorla is approximately 2 hours drive from Granada, 3 hours from Almería, 3½ from Málaga and 4 hours from Madrid.

Cars are available for hire at all airports.

Additional directions from Granada, Málaga, Almería or Madrid are available on request.

Cazorla can also be reached by public bus or a personal collection service can be arranged from the nearest train station or bus station.

The nearest train station, Linares, is about 45 mins away by road.

GPS Co-ordinates

Latitude: 37.916441
Longitude: -3.050396

North: 37deg 54mins 59.3secs
West: 3deg 03mins 01.3secs

Cortijo Los Abedules will be found in the little hamlet of Los Peralejos which is a turning on the right traveling towards Cazorla) on the A 319, Peal De Becerro - Cazorla road.(A319 Km 8)

The junction is approximately 8 km from Peal De Becerro and 5 km from Cazorla

Having turned, follow the road down to a lefthand bend and Cortijo Los Abedules is 100 metres from this bend on the left.

Cortijo Los Abedules has brown shutters and will be found facing you.